It was a dark and stormy night. Ok, technically it wasn't storming any more but it was definitely dark and it had stormed fairly recently. There were still lots of tree branches laying around and stuff. Whatever. Darkness was happening. The young couple filled their black, spooky bowl with lots of spooky candy. Tonight was the night they had been preparing for. Tonight the trick-or-treaters were coming!
Their approach is swift and merciless. And sugar fueled. |
With the candy piled high, the pumpkin carved, and the hastily drawn ghost picture taped to the door the couple was sure the trick-or-treaters would come in droves. As darkness fell, they waited.
6:00- Nothing... but the night had only just begun. The spirits take time to materialize. Everyone knows that. It's your basic Haunting 101 kinda stuff...
6:15- "Was that a knock? That might have been a knock..." The girl eagerly checked the door through the peep hole but there was nothing there. Oooooo.... Spooooooookyyyyy... Where are the chiiiiiilllllldren?!
"Maybe they're all just really authentic ghosts this year..." |
6:42- A rap at the door. The couple lept from their seats, hearts pounding in terror (or surprise...or from the sugar rush from candy consumption.) They threw open the door and saw... A GROUP OF KIDS THAT MISTOOK HOODIES FOR COSTUMES!!!! AHHHHHH!!!! THE HORROR!!! They quickly thrust fistfuls of candy in to their various containers (or just their hands as some had Not. Even. Bothered. To. Bring. A. BAAAAAAGGGGG!!!!)
7:00- The fear mounts as the couple begins to worry that there will be no more trick-or-treaters. Not a single adorable costume. Not one sweet little princess or miniature Batman. Could it be that they had bought too. much. candy?!
7:30- The darkness grows and he couple hears voices. Voices just outside their door. Approaching. Spookily. The sudden knock at the door causes the couple to rush, bowl in hand, to unhook the lock. Two little zombies. They receive tremendous amounts of candy. Horrifying amounts of candy.
This seems like a reasonable portion. |
8:04- The silence surrounded the young couple. Where were the trick-or-treaters? What had kept them from coming? Perhaps a dark and malevolent spirit? A vicious, tentacled monster?
Or maybe there was something really good on TV that night...
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